I received the BSc degree in Computer Science (2006), received the MSc degree in Computer Graphics& Vision (2013) from the Faculty of Computers and Information, Assiut University, Egypt. Recently, I received the PhD degree in medical image analysis (Brain MRI) from the VICOROB Group, University of Girona, under the supervision of Prof. Xavier Lladó and Prof. Joaquim Salvi. My current research interests include the development of techniques to automatically detect and segment multiple sclerosis lesions in longitudinal and cross-sectional brain MRI. Now, I am working as a assistant professor at computer science departement, Faculty of Computers and Information, Assiut University, Egypt, Assiut, Egypt. Also, Manager of Computers Consultations Center (CCC)، Assiut University.
PhD in Medical Image Analysis, 2020
University of Girona, Spain
MSC in Computer Science, 2013
FCI, Assuit University, Egypt
BSc in in Computer Science, 2006
FCI, Assuit University, Egypt